Is there intelligent life out there somewhere in space?
That seems to be the central question attempting to be answered in the so-called “UFO Report” recently partially released by the military.
It’s a report that doesn’t quite acknowledge the existence of alien-powered UFOs, but also doesn’t quite dismiss them out of hand either.
If we can believe UFOs DO exist -- and that’s still a stretch -- then it follows there are “beings” controlling those craft.
This whole UFO phenomenon goes back to the late 1940s, with reports of them -- generally dismissed by the government as “weather balloons” -- soon igniting the public imagination and resulting in a flurry of early 1950s B-films trying to scare the bejesus out of us.
People who believe in UFOs -- who refer to themselves as “ufologists” -- swear up and down that the government has absolute proof of UFO contact and even perhaps a dead alien “body” or two stored at the notoriously secret Roswell facility way out in the New Mexico desert.
For decades, the government/military routinely denied UFOs existed and that nothing unusual was being stored at Roswell.
Well, the new report seems to contradict that ongoing denial by a succession of Republican and Democrat leaders.
According to the report -- which has only been partially released to the public -- some of the UFO incidents reported by U.S.-trained pilots are just not explainable.
Of 144 incident reports, only ONE could be explained as due to some mundane cause. The rest remain unexplained -- which should give us all pause.
These military pilots -- all sober, decent, God-fearing patriotic Americans -- said the objects they viewed could hover, and then zip off in any direction and sometimes simply disappear.
Nobody on this planet has yet managed that feat.
So I have a few questions:
Why has the government/military/Pentagon suddenly decided it’s OK for the public to be privy to this long secret information?
Why has the UFO report only been partially released? What remains in the report we’re NOT seeing?
Have other nations’ pilots experienced the same phenomenon?
If these are visitors from another part of the universe, what are they doing here? Are they sizing us up for a future alien takeover? Or are we just a curiosity to a far advanced race who view us as an interesting but somewhat backward lifeform?
And -- like Bigfoot -- why can we NEVER get a nice clear photo of these things? Why do they always look like grainy pie plates dipping and flipping just out of clear view?
Look, I’d LOVE to believe in UFOs and aliens from another dimension, but the proof is apparently just not there yet. Hence, the lack of much public interest in the report.
It would be nice, I think, to know we are NOT alone in the vast cosmos. That someday -- just maybe -- we’ll sit down and break bread with little green men (and women) and learn some of the secrets of the universe.
But I’m not holding my breath.
Cue Scully and Mulder. But one of my favorite topics. So many weird but authentic sightings. Have you seen Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries? One episode is a good example.
The government is probably like 2020 had a plague, murder hornets, and enough political chaos for a lifetime, we better follow up in 2021 with aliens, etc. 😏🤪