A new report shows medical marijuana is providing amazing results in treating a variety of medical ailments including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – a debilitating condition often seen in returning war soldiers.
The report is the result of a multi-year clinical trial conducted on 8,500 male and female subjects in Israel.
According to the report, the patients reduced their opioid dosage by 52 percent, their anti-psychotic treatment by 36.9 percent, their anti-epileptic treatment by 35.7 percent and their use of hypnotics and sedatives by 35.3 percent.
In other words, medical marijuana is showing – over and over – that it is a far better course of treatment than laboratory-concocted Big Pharma drugs.
Overall, more than two-thirds of the patients reported at least moderate improvement with no side effects, with 90.8 percent of the PTSD patients being classified as therapeutic successes after only six months of medical marijuana treatment.
Good for them.
But all of this could have been accomplished decades earlier if not for the hysterical anti-marijuana laws and policies relentlessly pushed by conservative politicians and others who – I seriously doubt – ever tried marijuana once.
But let’s be clear: The report cited above was for treatment by MEDICAL marijuana – NOT the kind that gets you high.
But I can report – based on my own experience with the drug – that the kind that gets you high is also quite effective in releasing tension and feeling generally relaxed – even happy and creative.
You know: Kind of like alcohol, but without the aggression, domestic violence, general drunken stupidity and constant peeing.
Eighteen states have now fully legalized non-medical marijuana including my own state of Colorado, which – along with Washington – was in the vanguard of legalization back in 2012.
(BTW--Our neighboring countries, Mexico and Canada, have now completely legalized MJ)
And with a decade of legal marijuana use under our belts, we in Colorado have NOT seen the kind of cultural crumbling that anti-pot forces have always predicted. You know: increased criminality, young people losing their minds, people becoming too lazy and shiftless to go to work to support themselves and their families.
No, that has NOT happened. What HAS happened is the states that have legalized a drug that people were already risking their jobs and reputations to buy on the Black Market are raking in loads of cash for education, drug treatment and other worthy causes.
I grew up in a time of dread when it came to using marijuana. Because people who did often ended up in prison for possessing even the smallest amounts of the drug.
And research into the potential benefits of marijuana went undiscovered for decades.
So finally – after more than 60 years of this kind of head-in-the-sand stupidity – marijuana is finally taking its place as a kind of wonder drug for so many medical conditions.
And as a much-needed alternative to alcohol.